31 May 2023
The Growing Trend Of Remote Work Remote work has witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity worldwide, and this trend obviously extends to students living in the UK. With the advent of technology and the internet, more and more students are embracing the flexibility and...
13 Jan 2023
What are the ‘top student jobs for 2023’ is a question we often get as students across the UK are eager to find new opportunities to earn more money and fund their education and lifestyles. The cost of living crisis has been affecting students...
16 Mar 2021
Whether you’re a current student or looking into the future, managing your finances and having a budget is a crucial part of getting through university. You are suddenly given a world of responsibility and it can sometimes be an overwhelming experience. Here are some...
Find your perfect job now with e4s
21 Jan 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has been part of our lives for close to a year now, but with the huge strides in the rate of vaccinations being given out, there is hope on the horizon for normality to resume. With the NHS recently moving toward...
19 Nov 2020
Every year, the Christmas break presents student of all ages the perfect opportunity to take a pause from their studies and earn plenty of cash from working a job. Typically, many of these jobs are in retail, as shops hire in order to keep...
26 Aug 2020
For many years we have been aware of the rising popularity of remote working, but coronavirus has only accelerated the transition from the office to home. If you have recently started or will be starting a remote internship/job in the coming months or years,...
13 Aug 2020
Leaving school can be a confusing mixture of emotions as you step out of the environment you’ve been in for the past 14 years. Unfortunately, the Coronavirus pandemic has made the situation far more daunting and uncertain for many, as you have been unable...
05 Aug 2020
Whether you are applying for your very first job, a weekend job or a graduate role with a multinational corporation, interviews play a crucial role in every application process. Interviews can be intimidating at the best of times and chances are your next interview...
21 Jul 2020
Coronavirus has unquestionably had a huge impact on most of our lives, with students being hit hard. From exams, gap year plans and summer jobs being cancelled we now approach what would have been the usual start of the six week summer holidays still...
24 Mar 2020
The global situation is changing hourly, but Coronavirus has already had a huge impact on the type and volume of student jobs available this year. With bars and restaurants closing and major events cancelled, many employers have frozen recruitment. Which jobs are most affected?...