You are working your way through university or college, and you need some money. The last thing you want to do is get a job that requires lots of time and will affect your studies.
You know you have to get a student job, but a new dilemma hits you. Do you work during term-time and get a part time job? Although part time jobs are popular and fairly easy to come by, there is the possibility that it will affect both your studies and your socialising. There is nothing worse than having to work on a Friday night when all your mates are ready to go out and have some fun. Find part time jobs and holiday jobs with Okay, so there are problems with part time jobs - but what are your other options? Holiday jobs could be the answer. You have a few months off over the summer. You're probably going to be back home, and have less stuff to do. With some full-time work over a few weeks you could save enough money to last you (or at least help you last!) a few extra months when you go back to your college/university. What are the other benefits of holiday jobs? |
Job Benefits | |
Holiday Job Benefits:
The Popular And What To Remember | |
Popular Part Time Jobs:
If you do end up with the dilemma of choosing a part time job or a holiday job always make sure of a few things:
Search part time and holiday jobs in your area here Read our guide to working while studying for more help and information about doing part time jobs and holiday jobs whilst a student. |