Customer services solution firm ResQ is creating almost 300 new full and part time jobs in Hull.
The outsourced contact centre specialist will have at least 290 call centre jobs on offer at its offices in Hull’s House of Hammonds building.
ResQ currently operates from the first floor of Paragon Square's House of Hammonds but is now set to renovate the second floor of the building, creating over 500 new work stations in order to house hundreds of new employees.
The announcement follows just six months after ResQ created 200 new vacancies when they expanded their contract with British Gas.
Announcing the latest expansion plans, the Chief Executive Officer of ResQ, Gill Marchbank, said: “In the current economic climate, we are proud that our growth as a business means that we are able to create new jobs and career opportunities for people in the local community.”
“The incredible vision, leadership and passion that our people show in delivering great results for our clients, means that we are able to forecast growth and commit to the creation of 290 new jobs for Hull,” added the CEO.
The Assistant Director for Major Projects, Culture & Place at Hull City Council, Garry Taylor, welcomed the announcement, saying:
“This project shows real commitment from Res Q Limited to a key city centre heritage building, with the creation of almost 300 jobs a huge benefit to the city. The Levelling Up Funding scheme continues to benefit many buildings and businesses in the city and this is another great example of this.”
ResQ employs over 2,000 people across its two centres in Hull and Seaham in County Durham. The firm has been accredited with an ‘Outstanding company to work for’ certificate by Best Companies.
You can find out more about jobs with the contact centre specialist by visiting the ResQ Careers site here.
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