Waitrose, the supermarket chain, is changing the way it selects candidates for its graduate job recruitment programme.
The company will start to use an online selection tool to whittle down the number of applicants for their graduate vacancies. Waitrose have already received over 2,500 applications from hopefuls this year and are optimistic that their new online tool will do a lot of the work for them be reducing those numbers to just 150 graduates.
The tool is an ‘online Situational Judgement Test’ produced by HR consultancy company A&DC and is named Graduate Dilemmas™. It takes the form of a 30 minute test where candidates hoping to land a graduate job will be asked to give rating scores to various responses to common situations that arise in the workplace. The online platform is designed to make accurate estimations of applicants’ decision-making skills in order to sift out the best candidates for the graduate jobs on offer at Waitrose.
The 150 or so graduates who make it past Graduate Dilemmas™ will go on to the next stage of the Waitrose recruitment programme at one of its Graduate Recruitment Centres.
A manager of the recruitment services at Waitrose, Anglie Johns, said: “We anticipated an uplift in applicant numbers this year, and therefore wanted to introduce a new, robust selection tool to our Graduate Assessment Process, to address the challenges of the recruitment market, and the growing numbers of applications.”
So, there are still graduate jobs out there, but you really have to be on top of your game to make your way through the selection programmes at some of the bigger employers. Start your search now by looking through some of the five-hundred-plus graduate job opportunities that we have on our website.
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