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National Apprenticeship Week 2023

10 Feb 2023

As National Apprenticeship Week 2023 draws to a close, we are reflecting on the week so far. This year’s theme was “skills for life” highlighting how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career.

Whether you’re leaving school and not sure what your next step should be, or you want to learn a new skill, or even fancy a career change; apprenticeships are well worth exploring. Enrolling on a university course is no longer the only way to get a degree, so your choice is no longer “Do I want/need a degree”, but more a decision on “How would you like to get a degree”? Do you love to study, or do you prefer to learn by doing?

We’ve been busy celebrating NAW this week by attending careers fairs, creating an apprenticeship video series, and even visiting Parliament for a hospitality apprenticeship event!

Our apprenticeship video series, released over the course of the week on our Youtube channel, Tiktok and Instagram accounts, was created to answer the most commonly asked apprenticeship questions. We highlighted the benefits and busted some common misconceptions about apprenticeships, to help students like yourself form a better understanding of apprenticeships. Check out what we have been getting up to on Youtube below…

Episode 1 – Apprenticeships explained

Find out what an apprenticeship is, who pays and gets paid, and work out whether an apprenticeship is something that is worth you exploring further.

Episode 2 – The benefits of an apprenticeship

How often do you hear that university is the best option after school if you want to earn a decent salary? Yep thought so! This is why this episode is so important for us because university isn’t for everyone and therefore isn’t always the best option! Watch now to see why apprenticeships are a great option to consider!

Episode 3 – What sectors offer apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships have come a long way over the years. It used to be that apprenticeships were only available within the trade industry, but that isn’t the case today. There are apprenticeships in just about any sector you can think of, and we explain all in today’s video.

Episode 4 – Different apprenticeship levels

Did you know that you don’t have to be a student in order to do an apprenticeship? Well, we explain all of the different levels of apprenticeships available from Intermediate all the way through to a Masters. Check out our video and discover what level is right for you.

Episode 5 – Apprenticeship myths

We uncover some of the most common myths and bust them in this episode. Apprenticeships are misunderstood and we are here to put the record straight!

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