Company DetailsOur company, Focused Preparation, are the world's #1 standardized testing solution. We create software products that are designed to ensure students pass their essential exams - the APs, ACT, SAT, LSAT and MCAT. Our Key Selling Point is our unrivalled 95% success rate, achieved with our 3-part process of Absorption, Retention and Demonstration. You can see how our products work on our site - Our customers download products directly from the website - all of our products are digital software solutions. They are priced between $29.99-$149.99. We are looking for freelancers who can direct new customers to our site via traditional media, social media and word of mouth promotion. We pay a 25% commission on every sale made, which can continue from August-April 2020. Typical sales staff make 15-25 sales per day, which averages out to around $130-$180 net per day. |
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