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Temps to fill the gap?

25 Jun 2008

Temps to fill the gap? Temp workers are a vital option to fill gaps left by workers absent due to the government's new training initiative, one industry body has said.

According to the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (Rec), employers who need to fill gaps in their workforce due to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills initiative will look to temp or agency workers for cover.

The Rec predicts up to 300,000 people will annually ask to leave for skills training.

Students who work as temps in order to support their studies could be interested to hear the amount of work available to the sector could be set for a boost.

Anne Fairweather, the Rec's head of public policy, said the move was a positive one for permanent employees and temporary staff alike.

"[However] it is vital that the Government protects the viability of the UK temp worker model. Any introduction of extra flexibility for workers needs to be matched equally with a flexible option for employers," she added.

The government's Time to Train consultation is available to all employers and employees in England, with a closing date of September 10.

Some £15m million of unused government funds set aside for work-related training will be used to fund the scheme.

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