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Paid Research (Mystery Shopping, Product Testing, Focus Groups, Surveys & More)

Pay: Variable
Location: TELECOMMUTE UK United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom TELECOMMUTE Work From Home
Category: Graduate And Entry Level
Available from: Always Recruiting
Finishes on: Ongoing Position
Type of work: Full Time And Part Time, Indoor
Job reference: E06373117
Admin/Secretarial, Advertising/Marketing/PR 2024-05-20 2025-05-19

Job Description

Research Tribe

How would you like to be rewarded for sharing your opinion?

Research Tribe is looking for people across the UK to take part in research opportunities.

Previous experience isn't necessary, we want you to be yourself. There are a wide variety of freelance research opportunities available which are always completely optional so there is never any obligation to take part. It's not a suitable replacement for a job or employment, but it's a great way to earn additional income and influence brand decisions!

- Mystery Shopping
- Product Testing
- Focus Groups
- Surveys & More

In return for your time spent taking part in research along with the feedback you provide, you can earn a variety of incentives including cash, vouchers, products, gifts, experiences and prizes. You choose the opportunities you're interested in and complete them at times convenient for you, so it's perfect for students.

Click on the 'apply now' button to submit your details and join us (it takes under 60 seconds).

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