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Consider temps, says expert

04 Jun 2008

Consider temps, says expert Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) should consider employing more temporary staff during economic instabilities, one industry expert has said.

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (Acca) revealed that SMEs concerned about the consequences the global economic climate might have on their firm should take on temporary staff.

Writing on the BBC website, Acca chief executive Allen Blewitt said: "Consider, where relevant, temporary or fixed-term assignments, but make sure you have weighed up the pros and cons against full time recruitment."

Students looking for summer jobs may be interested in looking for temp work, especially if small businesses listen to the advice, as it could result in a boom in the number of agency jobs on the market.

Mr Blewitt added that firms should pay attention to cash-flow forecasts and ensure management accounts are up to date and credit card debt is cleared.

Acca is the global body for professional accountants and supports 122,000 members and 325,000 students throughout their careers.

It claims to use its expertise and experience to work with governments and donor agencies to develop the global accountancy profession.

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