The Guardian has reported that there may well be a significant increase in the number of students studying for a degree part time while holding down a part time job.
The Browne review, due to report in October, will look at the whole issue of university finance and is expected to advise that student loans rules should be relaxed to encourage part time study. At the moment, student loans are only available to students on full-time courses. Loans could, however, be extended in order to pay upfront fees for part time students at university, with the added incentive that they could finish their degree with less debt than with the traditional route.
As competition for university places increases with caps on the number of full-time courses they are allowed to offer, it is forecast that more people will choose to stay in their hometown with parents so that they can afford a degree. Students may also be forced to take on a part time job to support them during their university life.
Already there are reports of increased applications for part time degrees at the Open University, where distance learning would make staying at home a viable option, Birkbeck University, which offers degree courses in the evening, the University of East London and Bedfordshire University.
Bedfordshire University vice-chancellor, Les Ebdon, endorsed students studying for a degree at a local university at the same time as holding down a part time job. He said: "One door has been shut in the face of this year's generation. We've opened another one. It's a bit like getting in through the window. It's not as easy as coming in through the front door but if you're committed enough you can get in."
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