Why Warehouse Work? | |
Student life can often involve juggling studies and socialising whilst working part time to help fund your way through university. There are different routes you can take for earning that much needed extra cash - and one of those routes is by doing seasonal work in places that are particularly busy at certain times of year. |
What Is The Minimum Age For Warehouse Work? | |
Unless you are doing work experience arranged by your school, warehouse jobs cannot be carried out by anyone who is below MSLA (minimum school leaving age). |
What Jobs Do You Do In A Warehouse? | |
If you are a student or young person looking for entry level warehouse jobs, you will likely be employed as a warehouse operative. |
Warehouse Operative Job Description | |
So, if you get student warehouse jobs as a warehouse operative, what are you likely to be doing on each shift?
What Skills Do You Need For A Warehouse Job? | |
Warehouse operative jobs are not for everybody so it is a good idea to look at job descriptions closely when you apply for roles so that you can decide if the role is for you. Because there are certainly people out there who are ideally suited to warehouse operative jobs. And there are people out there who aren’t suited to warehouse work at all.
What Is A Warehouse Operative Salary? | |
As a warehouse operative, you will be paid at least the National Minimum Wage. Your wage could be higher if you have previous warehouse work experience; especially if you have any previous skills from working with specialist machinery. |
Apply For Warehouse Jobs | |
Does warehouse work sound like it could be a good option for you? Student warehouse jobs can be ideal because the environment lends itself to both flexible hours and temporary work. |
Seasonal Warehouse Team Member - Web Fulfilment (PM Shift....
Oliver Bonas
£12.70 per hour
Seasonal Warehouse Team Member - Web Fulfilment Night Shift
Oliver Bonas
£13.70 per hour
Finance Administrator (part time, 6 month fixed term cont....
Oliver Bonas
£25,000 full time equivalent
Seasonal Warehouse Team Member - Web Fulfilment (AM Shift....
Oliver Bonas
£12.30 per hour
Warehouse Team Member - Pick Team (Maternity Cover - Fixed....
Oliver Bonas
£12.30 per hour
Warehouse Team Member - Night Shift
Oliver Bonas
£13.70 per hour (£14 per hour once forklift t....
Seasonal Warehouse Team Member - Web Fulfilment (PM Shift....
Oliver Bonas
£12.70 per hour
Seasonal Warehouse Team Member - Web Fulfilment (AM Shift....
Oliver Bonas
£12.30 per hour