21 Jan 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has been part of our lives for close to a year now, but with the huge strides in the rate of vaccinations being given out, there is hope on the horizon for normality to resume. With the NHS recently moving toward...
05 Jan 2021
The UK is back in lockdown in 2021, and like 2020, the meaning of a ‘traditional’ student job is likely to be questioned. The Coronavirus pandemic has slowed down many sectors in the UK, but two of the most hit sectors have been hospitality...
19 Nov 2020
Every year, the Christmas break presents student of all ages the perfect opportunity to take a pause from their studies and earn plenty of cash from working a job. Typically, many of these jobs are in retail, as shops hire in order to keep...
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04 Nov 2020
With Christmas approaching, zero-hour contacts often shoot up in popularity, as in summer too for many. But the topic of zero hours can be tricky. Depending who you talk to, some will agree with them, whereas some don’t have a good word to say...
22 Oct 2020
Graduate jobs are a great option for students after graduation. After years of being guided through education it is suddenly time for you to go and put into practice what you have been working towards for nearly your whole life to date. Do you...
08 Oct 2020
Chances are that being a student, at some point LinkedIn has been brought up in conversation. Either between friends, or in the classroom/lecture theatre etc. A common comparison of LinkedIn is “Facebook for professionals”. Although this is somewhat true, it is so much more...
17 Sep 2020
Internships can be a fantastic way for students to gain relevant experience and earn some money over a short period. However, they shouldn’t be confused with industrial placements, which are typically a required part of many university courses. We have mentioned numerous times in...
13 Aug 2020
Leaving school can be a confusing mixture of emotions as you step out of the environment you’ve been in for the past 14 years. Unfortunately, the Coronavirus pandemic has made the situation far more daunting and uncertain for many, as you have been unable...
05 Aug 2020
Whether you are applying for your very first job, a weekend job or a graduate role with a multinational corporation, interviews play a crucial role in every application process. Interviews can be intimidating at the best of times and chances are your next interview...
21 Jul 2020
Coronavirus has unquestionably had a huge impact on most of our lives, with students being hit hard. From exams, gap year plans and summer jobs being cancelled we now approach what would have been the usual start of the six week summer holidays still...